Dr. Elizabeth Connell Lewis has been a teacher, writer and gifted education specialist for over thirty years. She currently serves as the QUEST Center Coordinator, robotics coach, and Future Problem Solving program coach at Episcopal School of Baton Rouge in Baton Rouge, LA.

Prior to this role, she served as the Elementary Science Specialist, robotics coach and Future Problem Solving coach at Metairie Park Country Day School in New Orleans, LA; and as a Coordinator of Educational Programs at the Torrance Center for Creativity & Talent Development in Athens, GA. She has been a Lecturer in Gifted Education at The University of Georgia and at Piedmont University.

Elizabeth loves to identify and nurture potential in children of all ages and does this through instigating novel experiences that challenge, engage and inspire. Elizabeth is the mother of four highly creative children, whose gifts were not always appreciated or nurtured in school. She is passionate about helping parents and teachers to identify and nurture creative strengths in young children, so that this creativity might be applied to solve real-world problems.

Under the name ‘Nurturing Potential’ she has now bundled her experience and stories in various presentations and books, hoping to inspire learners of all ages to embrace their unique gifts and develop their talents!

For more information or bookings for speaking engagements, please contact Elizabeth!